Morning & Evening Devotions




The master was full of praise. “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (NLT) ( Matthew 25:21 )

We hear about many instant huge success stories, but don’t be fooled. Almost always, they start out from one small success. The beauty of small is that it gives you the encouragement and one additional bit of experience to create the next small success. These successes build on top of one another and over time, gives you an advantage and skill set to do great things. Take the “small” that God has trusted you with and make it a success. Is there a big goal that you desire to tackle but just can’t seem to start? Trust in God and take the first small step with a giant leap of faith.



I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. (NLT) ( Psalm 34:4 )

Do you ever feel the weight of your burdens and fears pressing down on your shoulders? Do you carry it around all day with you? Turn your heart to God and pray to Him. Hand Him your stressful thoughts and worries, He will carry your burden for you. After you’ve prayed, stop worrying and release them. Your Heavenly Father will watch over you.

Today was a productive day, I went to church with the family, went to the mall and ended up watching the Green Bay Packers vs. Dallas Cowboys . GO PACKERS!! haha And from there we went home and hung out with the rest of the family there, after that we went to youth group and played some musical chairs and man oh man has it been awhile since I played. I feel old! From there we went to our Pastor’s house for some dinner and another little hangout.

As always, I hope everyone had a Blessed day!

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