You Are Valued, You Are Worthy, You Are Loved.

You are worth it

So many people feel unworthy everyday, every minute, every second. I was one of those people. How can I be worthy enough to this world? Who would love me? Who would want me?

I didn’t even love myself for a time. I kept this feeling hidden from a lot of people even my family and I’m a very open with everyone, so keeping this feeling inside of me was really hard. I was insecure for many years, most of middle school and all of high school and years after that. I didn’t feel beautiful, I didn’t feel like people should recognize me. You know the saying “Look in the mirror and say You Are Beautiful.” I could literally look in the mirror and just couldn’t even get the words out of my mouth. Why would I tell myself I look beautiful if I don’t even feel it. I saw nothing worthy of being beautiful or anything close to beautiful. I couldn’t understand why God loved me no matter what. I felt fat, didn’t look like other girls, not being where others my age have accomplished, I didn’t want to see what others saw in me. I was blind.


There are so many thing as to why people feel unworthy:

  • body image
  • not wanted
  • believing what others say about themselves
  • not being able to get to where other are in life
  • hearing others opinions and not there own
  • not having money
  • feeling of  not earning Gods love
  • people dragging them down
  • scared of what others think
  • trying to control everything but not being able to
  • staying in the past
  • not having the right skin color
  • not being fun enough to be around

There are so many more things as why to why we feel unworthy. But no more are we to feel that way!


You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book!

God loves us just as we are. We don’t need to change anything about who we are for him. He accepts us with our belly rolls, with no money in the bank, not being to control things,  all those things you can think of he doesn’t care. He wants to help you get to where he knows where you are meant to be. See we are NOT perfect no one is. NO ONE. I’m sorry but whoever thinks people are perfect just because how they portray themselves on there social media or face to face, its all an act because they don’t want to show that they are falling apart as well. Its okay to fall apart we are human everyone is bound to fall apart a few times in there lifetime.

You were planned by God. You are alive because God anted to create you. My little sister is reading this book and shared this one chapter to me and these are a few sayings from the Bible:

You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Whoever is reading this, You are a beautiful/ handsome person. Do not listen to what others are saying to you. You are are worth staying on this earth surrounded by people who truly love you for being just you. You are worth Gods love. You are worth it no matter how thick or thin you are. You are worth it no matter your skin color.  You are worth it no matter the amount of money in your bank account. You are worth it no matter what your past looks like. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you fro your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take of you. I made you and will take care of you. – God

I admit that its gonna take a lot of getting over this mountain of finally seeing our worth. But you know whats gonna be awesome when you reach the top of that mountain? Seeing all of our worth that we were to blind to see. We are finally gonna see it with all the people that loves us just as we are with open arms. Its gonna be a wonderful feeling. You are gonna fee like you can finally breathe and relax and realize “wow I could have had so a long time ago”.


For me it took couple years to finally look in the mirror and say “Dang Brianna you are looking mighty fine today! Girl you are beautiful!” Now don’t get me wrong, there will be days we sometimes go back to how we used to feel but it’s up to us to remove those dark thoughts and stay on the path is meant for us. I prayed all the time for me to finally see what God saw in me and what others saw.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9


Praying can help you. Who cares if you don’t know how to pray, just close you eyes and talk to God. He’s listening to your prayers. He hears you. This saying has been sticking with me for a couples days now and it says ” God gives you what you can handle.” Hw will give you so many things to handle and you think its so much stuff on your hands but he knows that you handle it. Do to stress about things, God already knows your next step and your future ahead of you. You will get there.


If you guys have questions please ask in them! I want to help in any way I can. If any of you need prayer on anything don’t hesitate. Know that God loves you and wants to help you. I hope you guys liked todays post and if you did please Like it!

Have A Blessed Day!


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