South Dakota – Day 2

My family & I finally made it to South Dakota!! We departed from Rock Springs, Wyoming at 7 this morning. Today we actually saw road kill on the side of the road. There was just so many deer I saw just lying there and the birds around it that was just so sad to see. As always there was fields and fields all around us. We did see a lot f clouds that looked like things but sadly I only got one picture. On our way through Wyoming we did stop to see the Devils Tower. That was fun to see but it was so cold outside we didn’t stay that long. My family & I are definitely not used to this weather. What’s funny is that on our way through these fields all everyone kept thinking, “what do people do out here?!” My dad kept saying after every hour ” yeah I can’t live out here” I don’t think we would make it, we are city people. But then again so was my sister twin and so far she seems to be doing great. Around 3:30 we arrived at our hotel (my sister twin works at the same hotel as the front desk clerk) I just wanted to scream and hug her like crazy! There was another girl with her so I couldn’t. We all went out to dinner at this cool place, and I got a big piece of steak! I have to say it felt like nothing has changed at all. I’m just so happy to be with her even if it’s just for a week but its worth it. Here are some pictures of today . Enjoy!


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Hope you guys had a Blessed day!


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